Crowning Moment
Dental restorations restore the function, integrity, and morphology of missing tooth structure, which can be caused by caries or external trauma, such as chipping or cracking a tooth. Fabrication of a...
View ArticleChildren and Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease among children, and, unfortunately, children who develop cavities in their baby teeth are more likely to develop cavities in their permanent teeth, as...
View ArticleFocus Dentals Straightening Solutions!
Need Braces but hate the look of wires? Afraid it may cost too much? At Focus Dental we are now offering Invisalign, the clear alternative to braces! During the month of October we are offering a...
View ArticleFlossing
Do I really need to floss? Yes. Floss removes plaque and debris that sticks to teeth and gums in between teeth, polishes tooth surfaces, and controls bad breath. Flossing is the single most important...
View ArticleSensitive Teeth
Why are my teeth sensitive? Exposed dentin is the likely reason. Dentin is the tissue that makes up the core of each tooth. Dentin is covered by a protective coating of enamel. When this enamel wears...
View ArticleOrthodontics
What is orthodontics, and why do people get braces? Orthodontics is a special discipline of dentistry concerned with aligning the teeth and jaws to improve one’s smile and oral health. Dr. Ngo usually...
View ArticlePregnancy
If you’re planning to become pregnant or suspect you’re already pregnant, it’s important that you see Dr. Ngo right away. Pregnancy may cause unexpected oral health changes due to hormones—particularly...
View ArticleRelaxed?
Sedation allows dentists to create a state of relaxation and thus manage the fear and pain patients may experience during dental procedures. There are several different types of sedation in dentistry....
View ArticleRoot Canal Therapy
What is a root canal? Underneath your tooth’s outer enamel and within the dentin is an area of soft tissue called the pulp tissue. While a tooth’s pulp tissue does contain nerve fibers, it is also...
View ArticleAcid Reflux
More than 10 percent of Americans experience the burning and discomfort of heartburn every day. What many don’t know is that heartburn, or acid indigestion, is a common symptom of chronic acid reflux,...
View ArticleHalitosis or bad breath
Halitosis, or bad breath, affects more than 80 million people in the United States. In most cases, people with bad breath aren’t even aware of the problem. Halitosis has a significant impact, both...
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